ramblings of an aimless mind

Just another Wordpress.com weblog

Archive for May 2022

I’m back!

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Who woulda thunk?

The last post on this blog was a decade ago. Somewhere between then and now, I forgot my password to this account. Since I wasn’t posting much anyway, the impetus to recover it was low. Life kept going, as it tends to. Next thing I knew, the gap in my “blog experience” was a decade long.

This week, I thought I should try get that password back. Once I decided to do that, it wasn’t too difficult. I find this to be true of many other things.

Recovering access has been like finding a box full of stuff from your childhood. Stuff that was lying around, not important enough to merit rifling through, but not unwanted enough to just be discarded. Then one day you decide to take a peek and as you pick up each object and dust it off, the memories come flooding back. Reading old posts, I could picture the physical environment I wrote them in, the thoughts behind them, the plans I made at the time and all the unplanned things that happened anyway. I remembered once again how fun writing can be. Like someone to who has started to play a sport again after a long break, there is some awkwardness. However, there is also the knowledge that a few more sessions, and I’ll be as comfortable as I used to be.

It’s good to be home!

Written by clueso

May 24, 2022 at 7:16 am

Posted in Uncategorized